Summerfest Pie Eating Contest
Saturday 7/19/24
Starting At 1:00p.m.
Under The Hospitality Tent

Age Categories:
- 6 yrs. & Under (Small Pie Tin, 4oz. Cool Whip Only)
- 10 years (Small Pie Tin, 12oz. of Chocolate or Vanilla Pudding, plus Cool Whip)
- 11 to 14 years (Large Pie Tin, 28oz. of Apple or Cherry Pie Filling, plus Cool Whip)
- 15 years & Older (Large Pie Tin, 28oz. of Apple of Cherry Pie Filling, plus Cool Whip)
TO REGISTER send an email to braidwoodlionsclub@yahoo.com, call/text (815)791-8093 or send a private message to The Braidwood Lions Club's Facebook page. Include the participant's name, age, telephone number and the preferred flavor of pudding or pie filling.
Walk-up registration will be accepted on the day of the contest on a first come, first serve basis.
The first contestant in each age category to eat their entire pie will be the winner and ribbons will be awarded.
Check back in the months prior to the festival to find an official 2025 Summerfest Pie Eating Contest Informational Flyer.